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Engineering in Georgia - Medwin Overseas Coimbatore | Medwin Overseas Education Coimbatore

Our Excellent Features

About Georgia

Georgia, Georgian Sakartvelo, country of Transcaucasia located at the eastern end of the Black Sea on the southern flanks of the main crest of the Greater Caucasus Mountains. It is bounded on the north and northeast by Russia, on the east and southeast by Azerbaijan, on the south by Armenia and Turkey, and on the west by the Black Sea. Georgia includes three ethnic enclaves: Abkhazia, in the northwest (principal city Sokhumi); Ajaria, in the southwest (principal city Batʿumi); and South Ossetia, in the north (principal city Tskhinvali). The capital of Georgia is Tbilisi (Tiflis).The 1990s were a period of instability and civil unrest in Georgia, as the first postindependence government was overthrown and separatist movements emerged in South Ossetia and Abkahazia.

  • Capital City – Tbilisi
  • Indian Students – 210,000 per year
  • Currency – Georgian lari
  • Continent – European
  • Population – 4,012,104
  • GDP – $80.611 billion
  • Official Language – Georgian
  • Climate -The climate of Georgia is extremely diverse, considering the nation’s small size. There are two main climatic zones, roughly corresponding to the eastern and western parts of the country. The Greater Caucasus Mountain Range plays an important role in moderating Georgia’s climate and protects the nation from the penetration of colder air masses from the north.
  • Area – 69,700 km2
  • Top Attractions – Ushguli,Tbilisi,Batumi, beach,Lake Ritsa

Reason To Study In GEORGIA

Our Facilities Overview

Fully Furnished Hostel Rooms
Indian Mess Facility Available