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Engineering in Kazakhstan - Medwin Overseas Coimbatore | Medwin Overseas Education Coimbatore

Our Excellent Features

About Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, also spelled Kazakstan, officially Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh Qazaqstan Respublikasï, landlocked country of Central Asia. It is bounded on the northwest and north by Russia, on the east by China, and on the south by Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, the Aral Sea, and Turkmenistan; the Caspian Sea bounds Kazakhstan to the southwest. Kazakhstan is the largest country in Central Asia and the ninth largest in the world. Between its most distant points, Kazakhstan measures about 1,820 miles (2,930 kilometres) east to west and 960 miles north to south. While Kazakhstan was not considered by authorities in the former Soviet Union to be a part of Central Asia, it does have physical and cultural geographic characteristics similar to those of the other Central Asian countries.

  • Capital City – Astana
  • Indian Students – 210,000 per year
  • Currency – Tenge
  • Continent – Eastern Europe
  • Population – 19,398,331
  • GDP – $224.338 billion
  • Official Language – Kazakh Russian
  • Climate -Kazakhstan’s climate is sharply continental, and hot summers alternate with equally extreme winters, especially in the plains and valleys. Temperatures fluctuate widely, with great variations between subregions. Average January temperatures in northern and central regions range from −2 to 3 °F (−19 to −16 °C); in the south, temperatures are milder, ranging from 23 to 29 °F (−5 to −1.4 °C).
  • Area – 2,724,900 km2

Reason To Study In Kazakhstan

Our Facilities Overview

Fully Furnished Hostel Rooms
Indian Mess Facility Available