Lithuania, country of northeastern Europe, the southernmost and largest of the three Baltic states. Lithuania was a powerful empire that dominated much of eastern Europe in the 14th–16th centuries before becoming part of the Polish-Lithuanian confederation for the next two centuries.Aside from a brief period of independence from 1918 to 1940, Lithuania was occupied by Russia beginning in 1795, was controlled by Germany for a brief period during World War II, and was incorporated into the U.S.S.R. in 1944 as one of its constituent republics. On March 11, 1990, Lithuania declared its independence by a unanimous vote of its newly elected parliament.
Climate – The climate of the country is transitional between the maritime type of western Europe and the continental type found farther east. As a result, damp air masses of Atlantic origin predominate, alternating with continental Eurasian and, more rarely, colder Arctic air or air with a southern, tropical origin. Baltic Sea influences dominate a comparatively narrow coastal zone. The mean temperature for January, the coldest month, is in the low 20s F (about −5 °C).
Area – 65,300 km2
Reason To Study In LITHUANIA
Over 4000 universities across the country; 16 ranked among the top 20 in the world
Degrees are recognised and accepted across the globe for their excellence
All study programmes evaluated according to the European Credit Transfer System
Superior technological advancements with scope for research and training
Cultural diversity on campus – no nationality, religion or ethnicity discrimination
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Most technologically advanced classroom experience, teaching tools and other facilities
Flexible methods of education and continuous development process for students